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Naval Defence

We optimise technology to accelerate people to the front line.

Minimising time within the Training Margin and increasing the availability of personnel for operational tasking is a priority for all in Defence.


Achieving effective Training Performance Standards in a dynamic way minimises that time on the Training Margin and accelerates availability for Front-Line employment.

We achieve this by exploiting immersive digital technology that is fully aligned with the capability needs and is accessible at Sea or Ashore.


National, International and NATO standards can all be achieved as the Subject Experts adapt the Technology to achieve, and maintain, core learning objectives.


Having provided individuals with the underpinning knowledge, we then immerse them in the Virtual environment, that is VASCO, to advance competent Maritime Operations as a Team.


Preparing your Team for Operational Sea Training, Naval Deployments or Emergent Tasking can now be achieved within Virtual environments that have been designed to deliver.

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Vasco in the Navies
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As a portable Bridge VR Simulator, the Use Cases for VASCO are advancing at pace, as the Naval Community grow their adoption of this innovative technology both ashore and afloat.

VR is changing the face of training for Maritime Operations, as it permits Command Teams to ensure alignment with Bridge Watchkeeping standards that minimise Operational Risk.

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VASCO is being utilised to achieve the following training

Maintaining Bridge Operational Capability
Integrating Full Bridge Team Members - Lookout/BM/QM/OOWN/NO/CO
Bridge Resource Management Behaviours
Apply Collision Avoidance Rules and Procedures
Mission Rehearsal
Port Entry and Departure Procedures – IALA buoyage system A & B
Traffic Separation Scheme Transits – Day & Night
Station Keeping Exercises
Replenishment Approaches
Mine Lead Through Operations
Goalkeeping Operations
Evaluate Bridge Team competence
Establishing the Command’s Operational expectation on the Bridge
Replace the Real-World action of achieving the above

The Results

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Naval Client

Introducing Virtual Reality bridge simulation to naval training.

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